

 WELL Summit Brooklyn!
to Oct 19

WELL Summit Brooklyn!

  • Google Calendar ICS

Session Name: Reset Your Hormones: Menstrual Cycle

Session Description:

Stress is a number one cause that wreaks havoc to our menstrual cycle. With education, we can also make the necessary changes to heal various stressors that directly impact our hormonal imbalances. In this workshop, you will understand the way a normal PMS-free menstrual cycle looks like and the way stress is a culprit of the women's hormonal cycle.imbalances. You will learn the exact science of how varies stressors are causing you harm and simple steps to begin changing hormonal irregularities through food, lifestyle and psychology. Includes brief yoga and meditation practice as well as lecture.

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Periods Talk!
11:00 AM11:00

Periods Talk!

Nicole Ohebshalom + April from The Vagina Blog

Join us on Wednesday, March 20 for a lively conversation on IG. We’ll be talking all things about vaginas, periods, pesky cramps, clitoris, and harmonizing with our hormones.

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How your hormones – and health – get disrupted daily. And what you can do about it.
11:00 AM11:00

How your hormones – and health – get disrupted daily. And what you can do about it.

“How your hormones – and health – get disrupted daily. And what you can do about it.”

Date: March 13th 11 am PST (2 pm EST)
Duration: 30-minute talk + 15 minute QA

Registration here.

NakedPoppy’s webinar + live Q&A with Nicole Ohebshalom - Clinical Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse, and Women’s Health Coach. Nicole is a sought-after global speaker and a contributor to a variety of women-focused magazines BloodAndMilk, AtelierDore, Harness, Feminism and Psychology Journal, PsychCentral, Green Is Universal etc.

What people say:

“I am a so busy woman and I rarely think about my health unless I am really sick. Before I attended an event with Nicole, I didn’t know what hormones do and how they influence my quality of life and productivity. I am glad I’ve heard this information - I feel very empowered to implement those simple tips in my daily routine”. - Gladys

Note: If you can’t make it live, register anyway so that you get the replay.

Who It’s For: Women, who want to take care of their health.

Why It Matters:

Nowadays we are surrounded by a variety of triggers in our environment that cause imbalances in our hormonal health. The most common symptoms are mood swings, period pain, hot flashes, acne, breast tenderness, and hair loss - to name a few.

Your career, relationships, and emotions don't need to be influenced by avoidable hormonal disruptions.

That’s why we invited Clinical Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse, and Women’s Health Coach - Nicole Ohebshalom to talk about all things hormones.

Nicole will share:

  • Critical role of hormones in your overall well-being.

  • The most common causes of imbalances.

  • How you can take control and implement simple strategies right away.

  • Prepare your questions as we’ll have live Q&A right after.

If you miss the session, no worries - we’ll send you a recording straight to your inbox.

We got you, busy woman!

Nicole is a sought-after global speaker and a contributor to a variety of women-focused magazines BloodAndMilk, AtelierDore, Harness, Feminism and Psychology Journal, PsychCentral, Green Is Universal etc.

What people say: “I am a so busy woman and I rarely think about my health unless I am really sick. Before I attended an event with Nicole, I didn’t know what hormones do and how they influence my quality of life and productivity. I am glad I’ve heard this information - I feel very empowered to implement those simple tips in my daily routine” Gladys

Critical role of hormones in your overall well-being.
The most common causes of imbalances.
How you can take control and implement simple strategies right away.

** Prepare any questions and we'll have a life Q&A right after.

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Know Your Body: A Conversation on Reproductive Health
8:30 AM08:30

Know Your Body: A Conversation on Reproductive Health

Live Podcast with Women Catalysts

Want to learn simple food and lifestyle habits that are causing hormonal symptoms and what you can do about it? Your career, relationships and emotions don't need to be ruled by your hormonal fluctuations and imbalances. Learn the science behind your hormonal cycle, what causes it to go havoc and simple tools you can implement into your lifestyle. 

Have your hormonal questions answered and receive a recording after our call.

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Sexual self-concept when living between the hyphen
to Mar 3

Sexual self-concept when living between the hyphen

Association for Women in Psychology Conference

Paper Presentation by Nicole Ohebshalom

The paper invited women from an Eastern-Western culture to narrate their experiences about sexual identity. The paper offers a glimpse of the potential nature of women acknowledging their voices, desires, and pleasures. It also demonstrates possible outcomes when women's voices go into hiding, such as shame, silence and family.

Although cross-cultural influences on human behavior have been the subject of many scholarly works, few studies have focused on the life experiences of women from hyphenated cultural identities and how these experiences inform a woman's view of herself as a sexual being. In particular, the influence of cross-cultural experiences on women with combined Western and Eastern culture references, such as Israeli-Iranian women, is poorly understood. This paper analyzed four interviews with second-generation Israeli-Iranian women who described how their sexual self-concepts evolved as a result of living between both cultures, in the 'space of the hyphen.' I used the Listening Guide methodology to inform the interviews and the data analysis, which revealed the influence of family power, patriarchal social practices and the women's desire to distinguish themselves from cultural norms. This paper is presented as a case study. It introduces multilayered views and processes associated with each woman's outlook of her evolving sexual self-concept. I found that each woman's sexual self-concept took into account her behaviors, cognitions and emotions that were developed during each life stage and also that it informed her sexual subjectivity. I briefly discuss the implications that the findings have for how the combination of Western and Eastern cultures influenced the women's lives. I also discuss how the findings may assist academics, clinicians, policy makers and healthcare professionals in developing innovative interventions in which gender roles and sexual self-concept are addressed.

The current study invited women to narrate their experiences about sexual identity in their own words. The analysis supports the need for a multidimensional understanding of hyphenated cultural identities and a focus on fostering Eastern and Western social scripts and values of women's sexuality. The study also offers a preliminary glimpse of the potential nature of women acknowledging their voices, desires and pleasures, and it also demonstrates possible outcomes when women's voices go into hiding, such as an uprising of shame, family honor codes and silence.

The Listening Guide process exposed the women's cultural assumptions and the strategies they adopted to handle sexual and gender issues. The most prominent concept uncovered during the interview process was silence as a characteristic of the family honor code system. The deeply embedded cultural perception of silence reoccurs multiple times in the women's interactions with their family members, particularly with their mothers. Recognizing the role silence played was essential for understanding how the women wanted more agency and how they resisted and revised the traditional socialization strategies learned from their families.

The paper will begin with discussing sexual self-concept literature including body objectification due to psychosocial development, the impact of gender norm schema stemming from mother and daughter communication, and consequences of ownership for embodied desire. The paper will stress upon similarities and differences between gender roles in Eastern and Western norms. I will spend some time discussing family dynamics and gender roles from Eastern cultures, specifically Iran, based on academic research.

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Reset Your Hormones: Menstrual Cycle
1:00 PM13:00

Reset Your Hormones: Menstrual Cycle

Stress is a number one cause that wreaks havoc to our menstrual cycle. With education, we can also make the necessary changes to heal various stressors that directly impact our hormonal imbalances. In this workshop, you will understand the way a normal PMS-free menstrual cycle looks like and the way stress is a culprit of the women's hormonal cycle.imbalances. You will learn the exact science of how varies stressors are causing you harm and simple steps to begin changing hormonal irregularities through food, lifestyle and psychology.

Includes a brief yoga and meditation practice along with lecture.

Location: Mindful Body SF

Date: Sunday, February 17 1-2:30pm


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Empowered Hormonal Balance Series
to Jul 15

Empowered Hormonal Balance Series

Hormonal imbalances, like PMS, is common but not normal.

The suffering caused by your menstrual cycle is not necessary. Your symptoms point to an underlying hormonal imbalance, and it is your body’s way of trying to tell you something is wrong. 

Want to naturally balance your hormones?

This workshop series will give you tools to get to the root cause of hormonal imbalance while being in a nurturing community of women. In this 4 week series, we will work on balancing sugar levels and create good gut bacteria. We will practice kundalini yoga and meditation sets to relax our nervous system, strengthen our endocrine glands and understand ourselves, as women, in a deeper and new way. Women need a community to heal. Join our hormonal health community because we imprint on each other in subtle ways and allow our innate creativity to come out. 

These classes can:

-          Help reduce stress and anxiety

-          Create a positive self-image and positive thinking

-          Renew your sense of sexuality and feminine wholeness

-          Increase blood and energy flow to the reproductive organs

-          Restore your sense of control while being in the ebb and flow of your body by showing you simple ways to take charge of your reproductive health.

This Empowered Hormonal Balance Series will include

-          Blood sugar balance and gut health

-          Education to track and balance your menstrual cycle

-          Types of food and workout intensity that matches each phase of your hormonal                 cycle

-          Yoga and Meditation poses and sets for the endocrine gland.

-          Intimate knowledge of your emotional intelligence for each stage of your cycle and self-inquiry. techniques to find wisdom instead of anxiety and anger during the fluctuations.

-          Private Facebook page to be in constant supportive community.

-          A Menstrual Health manual, including menstrual health education, recipes and more.


DATES:  June 24, July 1, 8, 15 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm  

PRICING:  $250 before May 1st and $300 after May 1st

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Synching and Healing Your Hormonal Health - limited seating
to Jul 3

Synching and Healing Your Hormonal Health - limited seating

  • san francisco, ca 94211 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hormonal imbalances, like PMS, is common but not normal. 

The suffering caused by your menstrual cycle is not necessary. Your symptoms point to an underlying hormonal imbalance, and it is your body’s way of trying to tell you something is wrong.  

Want to naturally balance your hormones?              

This workshop series will give you tools to get to the root cause of hormonal imbalance while being in a nurturing community of women. In this 4 week series, we will work on balancing sugar levels and create good gut bacteria. Education in tracking your menstrual cycle, including the types of food and workout intensity that matches each phase of your hormonal cycle. We will practice kundalini yoga and meditation sets to relax our nervous system, strengthen our endocrine glands and understand ourselves, as women, in a deeper and new way. Women need a community to heal. Join our hormonal health community because we imprint on each other in subtle ways and allow our innate creativity to come out. We will have a private Facebook page to be in discussion throughout the week. 

Dates:  Every Tuesdays from June 12 to July 3, 2018                           Price: $175/ before June 3, $200 afterward                                         Location: Sunset district in SF, location will be provided after the interview + sign-up                        

**There is an interview before joining this workshop series. Please email for questions + to sign-up**                  


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7:00 PM19:00



Women bodies are delicate but powerful instruments and keeping balance can be quite a challenge in stressful environments and trying to find time for yourself. By balancing hormones we can enhance our libido, sex drive, and creativity.

This workshop will discuss the various reasons women feel separated (you never are!) or low libido. Low sex drive and lack of desire is a much more complicated issue than the typical diagnosis of exhaustion. Depletion from sex drive can be hormone imbalances, side effects from medication, relationship troubles, previous trauma, and depression. 

We will also discuss the concept of sexuality and redefine the way libido can affect our lives. We will expand our definition of sexuality and libido to one that includes inner calmness, self-expression, creativity, and more. 

Libido is also directly linked to having a healthy relationship with food instead of being in the rollercoaster of food urges, using your voice and living an authentic creative life instead of silencing yourself.


SIgn up here:



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Radiant Women's Yoga
12:00 PM12:00

Radiant Women's Yoga

Radiant beauty is from the inside out. This Kundalini Yoga + Meditation workshop is heavily content based and goes deep into the Women's Teachings on radiance, grace, and practical skills in how to be a powerful woman. You will learn many tools and practices to tap into the most creative beam of a radiant and graceful version of you.

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Yoga for the Feminine
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga for the Feminine

Women bodies are delicate but powerful instruments and keeping balance can be quite a challenge in stressful environments, poised between work and family life, and taking time for self. By balancing hormones we can reduce painful periods, PMS and improve the regularity of ovulations and menstrual cycles. We create harmonious relationships with our bodies, and our sexuality and reproduction.

A recent review of studies published in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found yoga linked to a reduced severity of symptoms and pain relief in women suffering from cramps, PMS and PCOS.

This Yoga for Women workshop will include a discussion about how hormones impact your health, and yoga’s role in helping to regulate hormone. It will be followed by a hormone-balancing yoga practice to balance the body’s hormonal system, increase energy flow, reduce stress, and nourish the reproductive organs. You will also leave with a copy of the yoga set to do at home! This yoga set is also fantastic to do during PMS (a challenging time in knowing what to do for relaxing your body and mind) and extremely beneficial to practice throughout the menstrual cycle. Come enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Cost: $60/nonmembers, $30/Ritual members

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Meditation + Matcha
8:30 AM08:30

Meditation + Matcha

Join us for a morning of meditation (Jewish meditation) and matcha. Before embarking on your work day, ease into Thursday with some enlightenment and serenity. 

We'll kick off with a 20-minute guided meditation with the lovely Nicole Ohebshalom. Next, we'll follow with serving warm, ceremonial grade matcha made to order. The matcha will be from Breakaway Matcha, one of our favorites in the US! 

Register here.

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Fertility Yoga Program
to Feb 12

Fertility Yoga Program

In a recent Harvard study, women participating in a yoga and relaxation program increased their chances of pregnancy by almost 3 times. 
Join this community of women. 
Each class will include yoga and meditation practices that you can continue at home + much more practical and enriching content. 
Can't wait to support your journey!

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Radiant Women Lab: Art & Kundalini Workshop
to Dec 12

Radiant Women Lab: Art & Kundalini Workshop

Radiant beauty is from the inside out. 

This Art and Kundalini Yoga + Meditation workshop goes deep into the Kundalini Yoga Women’s teachings on radiance, grace and practical skills in how to be a powerful women.
We will begin with Kundalini Yoga + Meditation to open up and experience our feminine strength. Then, we will allow our creative expression flow within a supportive community of other women. These practices will tap you into the most creative beam of a radiant and graceful version of you.

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Kundalini Yoga + Meditation Pop Up
8:30 PM20:30

Kundalini Yoga + Meditation Pop Up

Calm your mind, gather personal power, and re-orient yourself to a new caliber of radiance and grace. 

In class we will practice 2 kriyas and deep meditation to adjust the pelvis bone system which is where the breath of life is triggered. Then you can let everything go, let everything fall. But, your Grace.

Studio Naim - Tel Aviv                                                                                                                    Derech Shlomo 46                                                                                                        

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